SEP Backup Clients & Hardware Plugins

SEP Backup Client for server/workstation. This license enables the backup of one Client (server, workstation or laptop) in the network. SEP Clients are not OS specific and are freely assignable.

SM_SETUP Warning: Could not start SM_MAIN. Restart Manually

While installing the Sesam giu. I get the same error on multiple pcs.

Advanced Configuration

The following options are available to help mitigate warning conditions on certain configurations

Trying to backup NW 6.5 SP8 server and GW

I have setup a SLES 10 SP3 file server I have installed the following SEP Seasm RPM's



Backup error: /SBC logging without final state

I am getting the following error on one of my backups:
"X/0001216440/SI20091022223014/SBC logging without final state

Performance Testing

The following tests will show you the raw hardware read performance


C:\sepsesam\bin\sesam\sbc -b -s - c:/ > NUL

Linux host:

Client Configuration

All Sesam client installations require the following:

Slow Windows Backup

We are testing Sesam and are getting very low perfromance on file backups for our Windows servers.

For example, 

Active Directory Backup

I've been told that the Active Directory backup module comes with the Exchange Server module and to use the "system_state" as the source.

SEP Backup Client

SEP Backup Client
For recovery of application data of one server or workstation. Includes updates for 12 months.

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