Ubuntu Version Compatability

Debian: stretch (BETA)
| 16.04 | Xenial Xerus

Debian: Jessie
| 15.10 | Wily Werewolf
| 15.04 | Vivid Vervet
| 14.10 | Utopic Unicorn
| 14.04 | Trusty Tahr

Debian: Wheezy
| 13.10 | Saucy Salamander
| 13.04 | Raring Ringtail
| 12.10 | Quantal Quetzal
| 12.04 | Precise Pangolin
| 11.10 | Oneiric Ocelot

Debian: Squeeze
| 11.04 | Natty Narwhal
| 10.10 | Maverick Meerkat
| 10.04 | Lucid Lynx

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