Novell GroupWise - Linux

The SEP sesam Database Online Module for Novell GroupWise enables a consistent backup of the GroupWise environment via the Novell TSA layer. The backup of the data occurs using an Open Enterprise Server on Linux with a SEP sesam backup client (including failover). This method also supports backup of GroupWise Cluster environments. Installation of client software on each groupwise server is not necessary (client free solution). Restoration of mailboxes and mail is supported (indirect). SEP sesam Database Online Module for Novell Groupwise is the optimal way (or methodology) to secure your Novell GroupWise environment. Sesam backs up not only small files but performs a complete backup of the GroupWise server, as well.

  • Operating system: Linux - Debian 3.1, Fedora Core 4,
  • Netware 5.x/6.0, SUSE 9/10, SLES 9/10, OES Linux, glibc 2.1-2.3
  • Database version: 6.0, 6.5, 7.0
  • Server system: Intel x86 / AMD64
  • Expandability: with further Novell GroupWise Online modules


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