EOL/EOM Restrictions


All Media EOM means that all media are full of data within the EOL retention period.

If we do have enough space in the media pool for a full of each task plus incremental tasks until another full is complete it's likely one or more of the tasks didn't get a successful full backup before the incremental tasks ran.

Working Example:
10GB full (Last Sunday)
1GB INC each 6 other days
10GB full (This Sunday)
Total space required in media pool: 26GB

Broken Example:
no full yet, 10G INC (Last Sunday)
10GB inc each 6 other days
10GB (this sunday)
Total space required in media pool: 80G

All Media EOL means that the retention period on the media pool is holding back the media from being writable.

Check your media pool lock period in the media pool properties. If you reduce the lock time on the media pool make sure to adjust the lock dates on the individual media as well.

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