Sesam on SLES 11

Please refer to the SLES 10 document for baseline configuration, this document only covers differences between SLES10/OES2-3 and SLES11/OES11

~/.gvfs folder causes backup error

The Problem is the following: if a user is logged on to the gnome or kde session and makes use of the GVFS layer, the directory ~/.gvfs is

This directory cannot be entered by any other user (even root), unfortunately this
is not the only problem: the system call "stat" also errors out on this

This is also the reason it can't be excluded, because while creating the
file list and looking at the excludes, sbc_find once does a "stat()" call on the directory and receives an error.

Create a new file named /etc/profile.local with the contents below



Run the following command for each affected folder

fusermount -u /home/$USER/.gvfs

test with stat /home/$USER/.gvfs

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