Log Warnings

In this case the log files (of sesam) are growing during the backup. Sesam chooses to backup the original size and warns you about the "clipping".

To quiet the warning you could edit /var/opt/sesam/var/ini/sm.ini and add an entry like 3 or 4 below, remember that unlike the exclude this regular expression targets a file not a directory:






2012-11-08 23:06:01: sbc-3028: Info:     Ignore pattern [.*\.lgc$]
2012-11-08 23:06:01: sbc-3028: Info:     Ignore pattern [.*\.lgx$]
2012-11-08 23:06:01: sbc-3002: Info:     Building file list from: [sbc_find ./ -[./var/opt/sesam/var/work/smslis/SI20121108230006092@dIlo5fCIGv5.lis] enlarged during processing. Cutting.

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