Manual Removal of Sesam

RPM Linux:

  1. sudo rpm -e sesam-srv --noscripts
  2. sudo /etc/init.d/sesam stop
  3. sudo rm -rfv /var/opt/sesam /opt/sesam /etc/sesam2000.ini /etc/rc*/*sesam
  4. use ps -ax|grep sm_ to check make sure all sesam processes have been closed

Deb Linux:

  1. sudo dpkg -P sesam-srv
  2. sudo rm -rfv /var/opt/sesam /opt/sesam /etc/sesam2000.ini /etc/rc*/*sesam
  3. use ps -ax|grep sm_ to check make sure all sesam processes have been closed 


  1. Uninstall sesam with the control panel
  2. Remove c:\sepsesam and c:\program files\sepsesam and c:\programdata\sepsesam
  3. Use regedit to make sure all sep, Sesam or sep electronik keys have been removed from HKLM:\SOFTWARE\
  4. Remove the service from HLKM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sm_main
  5. Make sure to end all processes beginning with sm_

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