Email Notification

Sesam e-mail notification types: 

  • Notify - Summary of backups, sent when all backups are successfull
  • Alarm - Summary of backups, sent when one or more backups aren't successfull
  • Disaster - Generally used to script failover between sesam servers

To enable the script copy it from the skel/templates directory to the sesam/bin directory.

Linux/Unix/BSD: cp -v /opt/sesam/skel/templates/sm_[notify|alarm|disaster] /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/
Test: source /var/opt/sesam/var/ini/sesam2000.profile; /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_alarm ALL_JOBS_DONE

Windows: copy C:\(Program Files\)SepSesam\skel\templates\sm_[notify|alarm|disaster] C:\(Program Files\)SepSesam\bin\sesam

Once you have copied the script(s) you have to configure the email settings in the gui under Menu -> Configuration -> Email Settings.

The first line must contain only the value "sesam".

You can uncomment the #unload_drive 2 line in sm_notify and replace the drive number with the target drive number to cause sesam to eject a tape upon success of all backups since newday last ran.


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